Hello friends ! (dosto) My name is Sahil Khanna and you are watching intellectual indies. Today we will talk about Email Marketing Campaign and we can evaluate our campaigns. we can check whether our campaign is performing or not First of all , I will explain how to create a winning strategy.
Research Marketing is very important as a FIRST STEP
In research marketing, we have learned How to research on a specific topic. First of all we need to research our user Everything about the person we are targeting Whether he is a working professional, businessman his age ,married or single How much he earns as well. Or any relevent data that you require of that person. Then you make hypothesis that my audience can be segmented into these section.
We’ll talk about segments later. How we can divideour segments. We’ll send them mails. Then we’ll evaluate, now how can we evaluate Some people says we should open rate.
Metrix as a Best Way for Evaluation
Whether that person opened your mail or not. Some people say We should deliver rate etc etc. Let me tell you about a metrics. Which is my way of evaluation, here We’ll take a metrix list, on the top we’ll put Mail list number of people Then comes the delivered parameter i.e no. Of people who received our mail. After that out of these, how many people actually opened it After that, Link clinked parameter, means people in the open paramter – out of these how many opened the link provided in the mail. Then how many people opened our website (landing page) and how much time did they spend? Basically we’ll check whether the person bounced back after clicking the website link or not.
And if he didn’t bounce back, did he visit more pages of our website or not? So we’ll walk on these parameters. We are knowing about every action via parameters. And how do we know That mail we sent to people and they delivered it too, what does it mean? That our email data base is correct. Now when people opened our mail, What did we get to know? The Subject line we have written is correct.
That’s why user opened it. After that the link we’ve given in the mail, when he clicked it what does it mean? That the body we’ve written in our mail is very appealing. That’s why that person clicked it. Now that person clicked on that link, here ached our website and he didn’t bounce back means after clicking on the link he didn’t go back immediately Means the content we’ve written is related to our landing page.
This means the page here ached after clicking on the link is relevant. That’s why he did not bounce back. After that we did an analysis whether he purchased it or not or whether he went to other pages or not.
It means our landing page is engaging too. Last point is whether we made a sale or not. That’s it. This was a short evaluation Make a metrics and evaluate all the parameters. and if your all the results are not engaging.
make sure if you are sending 1000 mails. At least 700 should receive it. Now if only 50/40 are receiving, it means there are some loopholes in your process. We need to iterate that whole process.
In the next free training, You’ll get it clear. So, okay friends (dos to) with this, training ends, like , share and comment. Do comment if you have any query. And our next free training, it must be in the right section -> I am uploading the series of training in a pack of 5-6. SO I will meet you in the next training.