Hi everyone and welcome here ! On this post, i will be in fact a tutorial explaining how to use point you system.io from a to z. So in fact systeme.io is made to make sales funnels today and it’s been a little while we noticed that sales funnels convert much better than a classic store because in a sales funnel you will be able to bring gradually increasing value to your prospect until finally pushing him to buy so there are two major competitors in the sales funnelmarket.
A New Competitor Known as A FRENCH COMPITITOR !
Two major competitors that are clickfunel and learnybox and these are solutions that we already have tested and today a third competitor arrives on the market a French competitor which is systeme.io . So in fact the problem of learnybox and Clickfunnel was above all the price ; the price was really very very high for what we could do and at today systeme.io arrives with a price that is much lower than its competitors. So in fact in this training I will teach you how to use Systeme.io, launched your sales funnel whether in training or in e-commerce and so I really advise you to stay until the end of these tutorials to follow step by step what we are going to do and you will actually come to the end of these videos with a tunnel in front ready to use we even go offer you a sales funnel that you can apply directly.
Why should you Click on Systeme.io’s link ?
So to register for systeme. io, it’s quite simple so there is a small link in the description for free forever for you.
You click on the small good and you arrive on this page you just have to click here launch your business online click here to start for free and you can enter your email and so there you are ready to follow with me tutorial to start your sales funnel so what are the advantages of a sales funnel over shop if or things so it is that already the price on Systeme.io . You are not going to have an application. You are not going to have date of plugins, etc . . .

Other important things you SHOULD Know !
So you will in fact just pay the tunnel monthly and then that is all ! The other advantage I’m going to show you is that systeme.io is not just made for sales funnels and it allows you to give up a lot of things that you pay for separately. So you click here you can start and then I will show you a little what there is in the platform so if we want to talk about price after ES14 for free. So, here it is 27 euros per month without commitment and we can already do a lot of things but I’m going to come back to that. So here is the difference between the plan and plan 1. It is the webinar option and plan 3 compared to plan 1. It is the number of contacts the webinars unlimited and there is the coaching offered here is an hour of coaching which is offered but don’t worry, you can already start to launch with the 14 euros pers and already started to launch your machine before so there is no problem you will see, then if you like me or not for me it is really one of the best solutions on the high price market. It is a solution that I tested . Retesting is really good job now only with systeme.io .
Secret of Systeme.io
Now I will show you this happening inside the systeme.io .Also, I will tell you a little about these advantages, so if we connect, I will connect quickly up ok even when you connect to systeme.io , you arrive on a dashboard like this ,so on the dashboard, here you go and see the number of contacts that are registered ,so via your capture pages over the last 30 days and the number of payments that you have received over the last 30 days also . So, I don’t really use it as capture pages not really full of payment pages I use it earlier to host the two training courses but also for an e-commerce sales tunnel here ! There you saw we did a small launch and it had worked well so then how does it work ? Then you arrive on a dashboard here if you have bought training on systeme.io , you can have them in my trainings in contact. You will be able to see all the mails in fact that you have captured in manage tags and you will be able to put tags on and well the people whom you have captured emails. For example, if you have captured the emails of people with such page of capture, you tell them you can tell the system here ‘but these people in such and such a box’ and then like that you can raise to the right and to the left here in the sales funnel you will be able to create your sales wing so that’s what ‘we will see in other videos creating a sales funnel whether in e-commerce or training sales. In email you will be able to create your newsletters that is super important systeme.io . In fact, well to one system to-auto responder included that is to say that in fact you will be able to send your emails as you do with mail chimp with send in blu but directly for 27 euros. In fact you have understood everything and therefore you can send as many emails as you want and you can of course upload your mailing list in this systeme.io.
So, that is the great advantage of automation, we will see later, this is what will allow you to automate certain processes, i. e. the customer registers, I send him an ebook directly and in sales, you will be able to see how much to sell make your number of orders. You will be able to put your training online your training packs. You will be able to create an affiliate program so that’s really not wrong , so here we have just discovered the systeme.io, now I will show you a little how to configure certain things before starting towards what interests us started in fact in a few videos that has already created your cap pages ture to create your sales pages and succeed in generating sales.