Hey, guys, what’s up, Christine Seale B High Level queen, and today we are going to be previewing the brand new High Level email builder that’s drag and drop and this would be a good competitor for Active Campaign or Mail Chimp.
So let’s get started. So, for those of you guys who don’t know, we actually have a free Facebook group called Marketing Agency Automation Secrets where we give away hundreds of dollars in free trainings every single week to our members.
Free Templates Review’s Know-how
So click the link below to go check that out. OK, so I’m going to show you guys how to use this brand new drag and drop immobiliser. And I’m really excited to talk to you because it’s a great competitor for MailChimp or Active Campaign. So I’m going to show you every single one of these templates that you can start from.
Or you can start from scratch and create your own. So we’re going to click on Update first. So this is just to update your customers and it looks like you can insert JSON here, which is really cool ! And it’s really easy to just replace, if you like, the format and the look of this, you can just replace the images with your own.
So it looks like you can utilize the file storage now, so you don’t have to keep uploading the images over and over again, which is really cool. OK, so you would simply click replace and that you can add a new folder, you can organize your files. You can add files. Let’s see if I can find some pictures here.

What’s he? So you can add the min to the storage here and then they’re there forever. OK, so I’m going to replace that and then replace the logo. And then here you can just start typing, this is a lot like MailChimp. All right, so.
Again, just. Replace you can drag elements around. To move the maround. Looks like I.
Did I delete it? Oh, I moved it there. I’m trying to put it back where it was before, but it’s OK, there it is. There we go. A little tricky, little tricky.
Um, these here.. this is a PMG. This looks like a Jeff, but it is a Jeff. So you can make your emails more dynamic. You can move the entire sections.
Up and down, OK? And if you want to add a new element, you can choose between these layouts. So you have one, two column, three column a third, two thirds to third, one third or four. And I can show you guys this in the blank template. I’m going to create a blank template after I show you guys what this is about.
What Is Ahis All About ?
Here you have text image button dividers, social or footer. So the social. It’s kind of cool. Interesting, so I guess you can make them grey scale or colored and you can put your.
Links in here. This is really neat. And then here, this is dynamic, so. It’s using custom value, so right under score now, not year that looks new location, name.
And here’s our mailing address and unsubscribe from this list. What does that go to? You know, the unsubscribe link, cool. And then here again, a lot like MailChimp, you can say you’re from name, you’re from address, your subject line, your preview text. And then your email template name.
OK, and then here. You can send it now. You can click on contact. Maybe not, it’s still in beta, so may be that, oh, here we go, it actually did add both contexts here.
You can do a test email and send it to yourself. OK. And make sure it goes through, so I’m going to say. Submit to myself, see what happens, I have no idea if it’s even going to work because.
This is a Be it account, and I don’t think I’ve ever configured anything. So by some miracle, I got the email. Uh, this is really cool ! See what does.
OK. Oh. Well, not one word, but this one didn’t, so that was at the bottom, that’s Mailgun. That’s weird.
OK, well, that’s a cool or just testing, so that’s the first template, OK. Now I’m going to show you the simple template. OK, it is indeed simple. Kind of hard to read.
OK, interesting. All right, so this is the simple template again, you can replace, drag and drop as you see fit. If you want to move it, you just. Have to get this little blue bar and then you can move it wherever you want.
And the Third template is called promotion. So if you have several things to promote. This is a great template for that.
OK. So now I’m going to show you how to create one from scratch. Click on Blink. And literally from scratch.
All right, so, um. Well, let’s see, I want to do an image. And I’m going to put my logo. Wow, that’s huge.
I’m going to, uh, get a little. Turn off the padding and I don’t think I want that. There you go.
Then I can add another. I’m used to typing in the other one, so this is going to be interesting for me to get used to the other one, you just type directly over here, but this one’s like me, so you type it on the side. Oops !
Oh, no, OK, that’s not good. I just hit ! I accidentally hit the back, but I know my mouse and it completely went away. So. Keep that in mind when you’re creating this, you’re going to want to save it.
Frequently, and I know that because I am an I. T. nerd. OK, do not push back.
OK. All right, um. Oh, so the footer has all the stuff in it already. Which is called Social. And you’re going to have to put your own links in here. You can choose the icons, make them grey scale if you want to make them transparent, that’s kind of a neat feature. And if you want to.
Add a new section, you have to do it underneath the previous section, so it’s kind of older where you can change only on this one, you can change. This is going to be literally the ugliest. If you’ve ever seen, but. That’s because I’m testing.
Don’t worry, I’m actually going to send it live, so I want let’s say I want this section to go up here. Oh. Oh, well, that’s not going to work. Oh.
So what you have to do is you have to put a new section at the top if you want to put the logo. There we go. And then can I move this up here? And believe that I can. Button.
But you can see this is much easier than the current email filter or the previous email builder. For sure, and if you want to change this. You can. All right.
Then here, I’m going to add another section. And I’m going to add text. I I can’t get used to that. Well.
Yeah, so that’s pretty cool, guys. Um, let’s see. What that does.
Oh, oh. No, that’s automatic now, so you can make up for what? Or like looking pretty slick. You can change the background color, but it looks like you have to know what the tax code is. So if you make a cry, I think they’ll probably. They’ve got to a clearer picture in there, not everyone’s a total nerd like me and has them memorized.

Oh, there it is ! There is, There is, There is..
How did I not see that before? Oh, well, it’s why you can’t see the button. OK, watch this. See, oh, it’s gone. I’m going to have to tell them that one day when you change it to a white, um.
DNS paying. Well, no, that’s just the wrong color. So what you can do advanced awesome, they just need to fix the white, so I’ll have to tell Sean. Let’s see, can you divide ?
You Can change it from pink. To not think of cool. You can change the padding. DNS body patterns of this kind of scares me !
OK, you want to get fancy with it? By all means, get fancy with it. Oh, uh. Oh, cool, you can do a custom. OK, well, that’s neat.
Now let’s see what it looks like. OK. So I got the email. It looked a little funky when I opened it the first time.
But that’s cool. Holes, the address and everything neat. OK, so now you can either, like I said, that you can send to all your contacts, certain contacts. And then you can schedule it for later, so if you want to send it in the future, it’s a name you can do that.
All right. It says. Oh, it looks like they’re building in an email limit. So I’m going to send it to myself for later.
Reviewing schedule. All right. He knows it brought in the like the default. Oh, we’re going to go.
It’s like you have revision history and that you can restore the previous version. Um, you can preview it on different devices, and except now we have oh, OK, here we go, scheduled, so it shows that it is scheduled.
For the twenty third. And then, of course, you can also archive. Call. You can also clone.
Email Builder : more Benifits
You can also delete and preview from the screen. OK, guys, so that’s how you use the brand new email builder in HighLevel. Again, this is a great competitor to Active Campaign and MailChimp, and it looks like you have unlimited sums as well as part of the platform. You guys can get a free 14 day trial using the link below.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe so you don’t miss any videos for me. And I’ll see you guys next time.